é um teste! Chupa!
quinta-feira, janeiro 21, 2016
sábado, novembro 17, 2012
sábado, dezembro 09, 2006
domingo, novembro 12, 2006
em jeito de melhores do ano, (part I)

The Body, The Blood, The Machine was recorded at Supernatural Sound Studios in Oregon City, twenty miles south of The Thermals' home in Portland, OR by Fugazi's Brendan Canty. With the unfortunate departure of original Thermals drummer Jordan Hudson in late 2005, Kathy Foster and Hutch Harris (bass and guitar/vocals, respectively) split up duties on the new record themselves with Foster pulling double shifts as The Thermals' rhythm section for almost the entire record while Harris sang, performed all the guitar tracks and some of the bass tracks, and the two shared keyboard/organ duties. With a wider, brighter, and wilder sound than anything The Thermals have done in the past, The Body, The Blood, The Machine adds walls of guitars, organs, and even a few "ballads" (aka slightly pretty songs) to the mix, while still retaining the gritty post-pop-punk sound for which The Thermals are globally famous. The lyrics envision a United States governed by a fascist Christian state, and focus on the need (and means) to escape. While hardly a concept album, there is definitely a story told in the songs: a story about getting the fuck OUT while you still can. With the recent addition of local drummer extraordinaire, Lorin Coleman, The Thermals will be touring extensively with the release of The Body, The Blood, The Machine.
Track Listing:
1. Here's Your Future
2. I Might Need to Kill You
3. An Ear For Baby
4. APillar Of Salt
5. Returning to the Fold
6. Test Pattern
7. St. Rosa and the Swallows
8. Back to the Sea
9. Power Doesn't Run on Nothing
10. I Hold the Sound
quinta-feira, novembro 09, 2006
era só para dizer
que ja tenho nas mãos e a rodar no leitor do carro esta pérola.
“The ocean. It’s all about the vast blue that engulfs two thirds of the planet. The human being cast against that abyss creates an interesting bit of perspective. I think the sailors of the time were dancing with death, and these were their tunes. They resonate with people on some internal level that is not immediately obvious because it’s not in our memory, it’s in our blood. It operates on a cellular level. It’s what makes us feel so alone.”
--Gore Verbinski
Film director GORE VERBINSKI, actor JOHNNY DEPP and music producer HAL WILLNER have joined forces with ANTI RECORDS for the truly extraordinary two-CD set ROGUE’S GALLERY: PIRATE BALLADS, SEA SONGS & CHANTEYS. Due out August 22, the collection is filled with contemporary reinterpretations of songs from a genre of music that has all but disappeared. BONO, STING, NICK CAVE, BRYAN FERRY, LOU REED, LUCINDA WILLIAMS, LOUDON WAINWRIGHT III, RICHARD THOMPSON, GAVIN FRIDAY, VAN DYKE PARKS, ANDREA CORR and RUFUS WAINWRIGHT are only a few of the distinguished artists who turn in uncompromising and honest performances that illuminate the power of traditional sea songs.
The idea for ROGUE’S GALLERY originated when Verbinski and Depp were working on their second film together, the upcoming Pirates Of The Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest. “I slowly became fascinated by the idea of a contemporary reinterpretation of the sea chantey,” explains Verbinski. “I imagined the artists that I listen to and respect doing their take on this age-old music: the song of the sea.”
Verbinski then “described the project in detail to my old friend Brett Gurewitz (owner of Epitaph and Anti) who immediately understood its wondrous and strange potential. I also asked Johnny Depp if it might be something that he would like to be involved with. He has a great musical aesthetic, and as my partner in the films, his opinion is one I value. I’ve always believed Johnny is a musician first and the actor thing is just his day job. We met with Brett and put together a list of artists that we intended to go after, but were immediately confounded with the question: who would produce? Who would be mad enough to take this on?”
The project took shape when Hal Willner became “the captain of this vessel,” says Verbinski. “From that germinating withering pubic hair of an idea, Hal set sail and returned with what you hear today. He did everything.” Willner brought his knack for matching maverick musicians with extraordinary material to the project, as shown on his best-selling Disney tribute album Stay Awake and his acclaimed tributes to Kurt Weill, Charles Mingus, Nino Rota and others.
“When I was asked to do the album, I went into a world I didn’t know--which is what appealed to me,” says Willner. Immersing himself in antique bookstores, eBay, old record stores, and the Internet for hours and hours, Willner collected some 600 songs and then went about narrowing the song selection down for the album. In March 2006, the recordings began--and the process was joyously freewheeling.
“We were just crawling around, just seeing who was around,” he explains. “The Akron/Family was rehearsing, so we recorded them. And then we found Baby Gramps. And that’s kind of how we worked all over. We’d go up to London or Dublin or to New York and L.A., with just a sketch and one or two things planned. And then we got on the phone. Most of the time people just came into the studio. We picked a song, and they went for it. Basically there were a number of house bands: one in London, one in Dublin, one in New York, two separate ones in L.A., one in Seattle. We would camp and people would come in and leave or join in for the whole day. One day we did eight songs with eight different artists. Two of those artists didn’t know they were going to be in the studio that day. I just loved working this way because you wouldn’t do that with an artist normally.”
Asked about the Sting contribution “Blood Red Roses,” Willner says, “He was totally natural for this subject. He comes from Newcastle. He grew up hearing these things--it’s interesting how you hear a lot of little Beatles melodies in these songs. You know, Liverpool was a big port, and Australia and Maui and Cape Cod. Sting grew up with a lot of these songs, as did John C. Reilly. So he just came over to the studio, I gave him some songs and he just jumped into the process.”
60 songs were recorded for ROGUE’S GALLERY; 43 appear on the album. “Hopefully, there will be a volume two. I have half of it recorded already.” Willner says: “I came to age in the late sixties and early seventies of variety shows and concept records. I look at these records like you’re eating a full meal. There’s always your entrée, your vegetable that you don’t like but it’s good for you. And you want to cover it all. You need to establish the unknown, the famous, the obscure. Usually in the past I’ve always found that the secret weapons on these records are any new artists because you’re coming at it without expectations. And there’s other people that you’ve heard for years--but on that side it goes to another level.”
Willner is now anxious for others to discover the enchanting mystery of ROGUE’S GALLERY. "Obviously I want people to love it the way I do,” he says. “I would hope that it works on a level where they just want to go and close their eyes and have an experience--and come out of it the same way I came out of it, wanting to hear more. Put this record in your collection as a classic--that was Gore Verbinski and Johnny Depp’s idea.”
Proud of what all of the artists have brought to the album, Verbinski says that the “recordings are vibrant, inspired, rough hewn, and imperfect in that way that only perfection achieves.”
ROGUE’S GALLERY has a perfect home on Anti, the Epitaph Record-affiliated label known for releasing albums by classic renegade artists like Merle Haggard, Tom Waits and Nick Cave. Says Willner: “I think this was the original punk music in an odd way. You can hear it in songs like ‘Bully in the Alley’ and ‘A Drop of Nelson’s Blood.’ It’s there.”
The complete ROGUE’S GALLERY track listing is as follows:
CD 1
1. Cape Cod Girls - Baby Gramps
2. Mingulay Boat Song - Richard Thompson
3. My Son John - John C. Reilly
4. Fire Down Below - Nick Cave
5. Turkish Revelry - Loudon Wainwright III
6. Bully In The Alley - Three Pruned Men
7. The Cruel Ship's Captain - Bryan Ferry
8. Dead Horse - Robin Holcomb
9. Spanish Ladies - Bill Frisell
10. High Barbary - Joseph Arthur
11. Haul Away Joe - Mark Anthony Thompson
12. Dan Dan - David Thomas
13. Blood Red Roses - Sting
14. Sally Brown - Teddy Thompson
15. Lowlands Away - Rufus Wainwright & Kate McGarrigle
16. Baltimore Whores - Gavin Friday
17. Rolling Sea - Eliza Carthy
18. The Mermaid - Martin Carthy & the UK Group
19. Haul On The Bowline - Bob Neuwirth
20. Dying Sailor to His Shipmates - Bono
21. Bonnie Portmore - Lucinda Williams
22. Shenandoah - Richard Greene & Jack Shit
23. The Cry Of Man - Mary Margaret O'Hara
CD 2
1. Boney - Jack Shit
2. Good Ship Venus - Loudon Wainwright III
3. Long Time Ago - White Magic
4. Pinery Boy - Nick Cave
5. Lowlands Low - Bryan Ferry w/Antony
6. One Spring Morning - Akron/Family
7. Hog Eye Man - Martin Carthy & family
8. The Fiddler/A Drop of Nelson's Blood - Ricky Jay & Richard Greene
9. Caroline and Her Young Sailor Bold - Andrea Corr
10. Fathom The Bowl - John C. Reilly
11. Drunken Sailor - David Thomas
12. Farewell Nancy - Ed Harcourt
13. Hanging Johnny - Stan Ridgway
14. Old Man of The Sea - Baby Gramps
15. Greenland Whale Fisheries - Van Dyke Parks
16. Shallow Brown - Sting
17. The Grey Funnel Line - Jolie Holland
18. A Drop of Nelson's Blood - Jarvis Cocker
19. Leave Her Johnny - Lou Reed
20. Little Boy Billy - Ralph Steadman
domingo, outubro 22, 2006
músicas de Verão em viagem de Outono.
Estações à parte, o disco dos I'm From Barcelona (que por acaso são Suecos), é agradável e feliz. Os I'm From Barcelona têm a particularidade de serem uma banda de férias, e de serem muitos, 29 ao todo.
Let Me Introduce My Friends, é então um disco cheio de músicas bem apanhadas, onde uma primeira audição é suficiente para reter o contexto lírico e a partir daí, cantarolá-lo sem restrições. Onze canções que ficam bem no ouvido, cheias de boa vontade e muito amor. Como se a idade não contasse e onde o mundo fosse ainda puro.

"I've been climbing rocks and stones
been collecting broken bones
I've been swimming across the lakes
just to find this perfect place
I got lost into the woods
I've been covered up in mud
I've been going through a lot
just to find this perfect spot"
Assim, quem não se atreve a ser um I'm From Barcelona?!
Etiquetas: discos
quinta-feira, outubro 19, 2006
esta pérola não me sai da cabeça,

Aqui fica a letra:
I've had two sins and I'm hotter than him
and I don't know what it teaches
That's the moment of my weakness
I have had enough of your sermonized speeches
Where's the food that I wanted?
Out on the evening, six months ahead, sky I found deepness
Medicine ball
The Traffic's mucked, shares its spiritual secrets
come on the market I have english
and be ought no good to rend us on the beaches
stomp the juice out of its sweetness
Out on the evening, six months ahead, sky I found deepness
Medicine ball
Bridge: ...
Medicine ball
Medicine Ball
Etiquetas: músicas
quarta-feira, outubro 18, 2006
terça-feira, outubro 17, 2006
ontem à noite,
A primeira vez que tivemos a oportunidade para ver Final Fantasy ao vivo saiu defraudada, já que o ambiente festivaleiro e o concerto em espaço aberto não ajudou em nada. Mas da segunda, correu tudo pelo melhor. Sala composta para um concerto bem quente. Owen Pallet não surgiu como personagem de um jogo Nintendo, mas simples e de meias. O violino parecia fazer parte dele. Pequenos excertos sobrepostos resultavam na peculiaridade de cada música. A certa altura, um dèjá-vu; Andrew Bird, no mesmo local e o mesmo conceito. Final Fantasy teve um extra, uma companheira de estrada, que ilustrou algumas músicas com acetatos especialmente criados para o espetáculo.
Como se durante 1h30 pudessemos regressar à infância ou como se fosse possível acarinhar as angústias da simplicidade.
fotografia: Nuno Dias
Etiquetas: concertos
sábado, outubro 14, 2006
os meus cinco segundos sobre o Sam'sTown dos The Killers.

Apesar do hype existente em Hot Fuss, os The Killers nunca foram merecedores de muita atenção da minha parte. Julguei sempre que o problema fosse meu, que sou um pouco duro de ouvido e dando o benefício da dúvida, esperei um novo álbum. Algo que feliz, ou infelizmente, aconteceu. Sam's Town, tocou de seguida e com a devida atenção.
O problema é mesmo meu... se aquando do Hot Fuss, a minha modesta opinião revelava-o um disco secante, agora Sam's Town materializa o ridículo. Enfim, devo então incluir-me no grupo de pessoas que concordam com o 1/10 dado por Vitor Balenciano ( Y, Público) que arrasa completamente. Falso, dado que muito raramente, atribuo notas ao que quer que seja. Certamente, os The Killers teriam nota negativa da minha parte. Goste-se ou não, Sam's Town é para já um disco muito pouco consensual.
P.S.: Até a capa do disco, algo que eu tanto prezo, é, simplesmente, horrível.
Etiquetas: discos
quinta-feira, outubro 12, 2006
a week, two very nice films...

Adorei o ambiente noir e o décor de Dália Negra, mas fascinou-me mais o humor inteligente e a simplicidade de Little Miss Sunshine. Sei que as comparações são, raramente, acertadas e justas, mas enquadro este filme noutros como The Royal Tenenbaums e The Squid and The Whale. Comédias dramáticas sobre familias disfuncionais são sempre um doce.
Etiquetas: cinema
o mais tocadinho da semana...

Este é certamente o disquinho mais tocado da semana. Quer seja no leitor, no computador, e até no ipod(e).
Etiquetas: discos
terça-feira, outubro 10, 2006
tio Nico e a Ballerina
Esta música marcou um ano da vida do Guronsan e duma grande amizade...
Obrigado pelo link tio Nico, e aquele abraço.
Etiquetas: you tube
domingo, setembro 24, 2006
domingo, setembro 10, 2006
Tive bastantes destas com musiquinhas escolhidas a dedo para caberem no tempo de cada lado de uma destas k7's.
Etiquetas: objectos
domingo, julho 16, 2006
no gira-discos...

Etiquetas: discos